China, Russia happy US
squanders wealth on war

The new messiah, President Trump is leading his army of supporters into battle assuring them that “God is on our side.”

Gone are suspicions that politicians may actually lie to promote their agendas (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.). Republicans and evangelicals have fallen in lock step with their mighty crusader. This must be wonderful news to our economic competitors, like China and Russia who hope we continue to squander our wealth in the pursuit of worldwide dominance with perpetual wars.

Thus far, we have squandered $6.4 trillion since 2001 and sent countless people, including millions of innocent men, women and children to their early graves.

Meanwhile Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka and Jared Kushner must be responding to the loud beat of war drums by rushing to military recruitment centers along with millions of the sons and daughters of evangelicals and Trump supporters. “Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war.” Jesus would be so proud!

Tejinder Uberoi
Los Altos

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